The 15 Most Dangerous Animals in the United States


Many people have fears of sharks when they go to the ocean and of bears in the mountains, but are those the most dangerous animals Americans have to worry about? While it’s certainly never a good thing to be attacked by one of them, many other animals attack and kill far more people each year than they do.

You might be surprised that some of them are among the most common and the most familiar.


A man in a ball cap and sunglasses with a backpack stands in front of a glacier in remote Alaska. He is a guide, bringing people out ice climb on a glacier.
Image Credit: DCrane/Shutterstock.


Let’s just say this at the very beginning. Humans kill humans more than any other living creature does. Every year, the number of people killed by other people, accidentally and intentionally, far exceeds the deaths caused by everything else on this list combined.

Bees, Hornets, and Wasps

Beekeeper working collect honey. Beekeeping concept.
Image Credit: santypan/Shutterstock.


About 60 people per year die from stings by flying insects. In the vast majority of cases, this is due to allergic reactions, not because of a swarm stinging someone so many times that death results.


Brown harvestman (Daddy Longlegs) relaxing on leaf
Image Credit: by pap/Shutterstock.


All spiders are venomous, but only three U.S. species are venomous enough to pose a real risk to healthy, non-allergic people. Of those, black widow and brown recluse spiders can pose a mortal threat if the bite victim fails to receive proper medical attention promptly.

Children and the elderly are the most at risk, though deaths are still exceedingly rare statistically.


Arizona stripe-tailed scorpion, Paravaejovis spinigerus, feeding on a green katydid insect
Image Credit: Ernie Cooper/Shutterstock.


Like spiders, all scorpions have venom, but most species in the U.S. are not a serious threat to most people. The typical scorpion sting resembles a wasp sting in intensity and duration– not exactly nice, but not deadly.

A notable exception is the Arizona bark scorpion, which is the most venomous scorpion in North America. Deaths in the U.S. are rare, but they have killed thousands in Mexico.

Venomous Snakes

Dormition Day of Virgin Mary, August 15th in Arginia village. Holly snakes of Virgin Mary appear every year in Arginia, attracting large numbers of Christians
Image Credit: Andronos Haris/Shutterstock.


Despite what you may think, venomous snakes do not cause a lot of deaths in America. About 7,000-8,000 people are bitten by venomous snakes each year, but only about 5 die on average. That doesn’t mean it’s okay to pick up the next rattlesnake you see!


Alligator farm Miami Everglades girl puts head in crocodile mouth Funny female child puts body in jaws of fake crocodile in tourist park Florida.
Image Credit: hbpictures/Shutterstock.


As alligator numbers have recovered and humans have encroached further into their habitat, attacks on humans have risen, but they’re still very rare. Over the last 10 years, there have been only 8 fatal attacks per year on average.


Tiger Shark Up Close Full Body Shot. Stripes showing in clear blue water with white sandy bottom. Photo taken in The Bahamas.
Image Credit: Jsegalexplore/Shutterstock.


Being attacked by a shark is no joke, but fortunately, it’s extremely rare in U.S. waters. On average, there are about 16 attacks a year, with a fatality occurring only once every two years.

Mountain Lions

Mountain Lion standing on rock
Image Credit: sirtravelalot/Shutterstock.


Mountain lions are nocturnal and elusive, and they prefer remote, rugged terrain, but there have been attacks on hikers and joggers. As with attacks by other wild animals, they’re exceedingly rare, but a mountain lion’s teeth and claws make it especially dangerous. Always fight back if attacked.

Coyotes and Wolves

a pack of wolves in snow
Image Credit: Michael Roeder/Shutterstock.


People have feared and vilified wolves for centuries, but the reality is that in the U.S., healthy wolves rarely attack people. Coyotes, on the other hand, attack people more frequently, and California, in particular, has seen a lot of them.


Polar bear close-up.
Image Credit: Edwin Butter/Shutterstock.


The U.S. had three species of bears– black, grizzly, and polar. All bears are dangerous and unpredictable, but the polar bear, a pure carnivore, is the largest and most dangerous of them. Statistically, attacks are rare, but those attacks are frequently deadly.


Moose - Sweden The moose, or
Image Credit: g


Many knowledgeable locals will tell you that the most dangerous animal in the mountains is not a bear but a moose, especially a mother around her young or a male (bull) during the fall rutting season. Moose are larger than bears, and they are not tame.


Bison on grasslands, Custer State Park, South Dakota, USA
Image Credit: Anh Luu/Shutterstock.


It happens every year in Yellowstone or some other public parkland where there are bison: someone in pursuit of the perfect picture gets too close to a bison and ends up trampled or gored. These animals are large, powerful, unpredictable, and dangerous. Remember that they are prey animals; as such, they are attuned to perceived threats and ready to defend themselves.


Sunlit red deer, cervus elaphus, stag with new antlers growing facing camera in summer nature. Alert herbivore from side view with copy space. Wild animal with brown fur observing on hay field.
Image Credit: WildMedia/Shutterstock.


Deer rarely attack people, though you certainly don’t want to be charged by an aggressive buck. However, many people die each year from auto collisions with deer. After humans and stinging insects, deer collisions top the number of animal-related human deaths each year.

Farm Animals

Woman feeding hens from hand in the farm. Free-grazing domestic hen on a traditional free range poultry organic farm. Adult chicken walking on the soil.
Image Credit: Caterina Trimarchi/Shutterstock.


Except for humans and stinging insects, no animals kill more people each year than farm animals do. The leading culprits are cows, bulls, and horses, with deaths resulting from being thrown, kicked, gored, and trampled.


Hunter with Rifle and Dog in forest
Image Credit: PRESSLAB/Shutterstock.


Sometimes, a man’s best friend is not all that friendly. When it comes to animal attacks and deaths resulting from them, dogs lead the numbers among non-insect and non-human species. Small children are especially vulnerable to maulings and bites.

14 Animals That Appear Deadly but Really Are Harmless

The Sand Tiger Shark, Carcharias Taurus, Grey Nurse Shark, Spotted Ragged-tooth Shark, or Blue-nurse Sand Tiger is a species of Shark that inhabits subtropical and temperate waters worldwide.
Image Credit: Kletr/Shutterstock.


There are harmless-looking deadly animals, and there are also animals that look menacing but in reality, won’t hurt you and would prefer to have nothing to do with you. Those in the latter category sometimes get a bad rap, but sometimes their appearances do them favors by encouraging people and other animals to leave them alone.

Following are 15 animals that might look frightening but aren’t anything to worry too much about.

14 Animals That Appear Deadly but Really Are Harmless

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Image Credit: Asatur Yesayants/Shutterstock.


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Image Credit:


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Author: Robert Sihler


Robert Sihler is an educator, freelance writer, and rock climbing guide and instructor living with his family in Driftwood, Texas. In his spare time, he enjoys reading fiction, streaming films, completing crossword puzzles, and rock climbing. When he goes on vacation, he likes to visit the mountains of the West and climb remote, obscure peaks that have seen few or no prior ascents.

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