15 Cultural Cooking Superstitions From Around The World


Food and culture are deeply intertwined, and superstitions related to cooking and eating have been passed down through generations in various societies. These culinary beliefs are often rooted in tradition and symbolism, offering insights into the significance of specific actions in diverse cultures.

From bringing luck to new homeowners to ensuring marital bliss, here are 15 cultural cooking superstitions that you might find fascinating:

1. Gifting Luck to New Homeowners

Couple With Keys Standing Outside New Home
Image Credit: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.


When someone moves into a new home, it’s customary to give them bread, salt, and wine. Bread represents a wish for a life without hunger, salt symbolizes the desire for a flavorful existence, and wine is a toast to joy and prosperity in the new abode.

2. Pass the Salt, Including the Pepper

Salt Shaker
Image Credit: Billion Photos/Shutterstock.


Remember to include the pepper when passing the salt at the dinner table. This superstition signifies that separating the two spices could potentially “spice up” discord within a couple.

3. Respect for Chopsticks

happy woman holding chopsticks with tasty sushi near cheerful man in restaurant
Image Credit: LightField Studios/Shutterstock.


In Asian cultures, it’s bad luck to leave chopsticks sticking out of a rice bowl or use them to pass food directly to another person’s chopsticks. This is seen as a sign of disrespect towards the deceased.

4. Bread Won’t Rise for Pregnant Women

Close up of young happy smiling caucasian woman baker putting the fresh bread on the shelves/rack at baking manufacture factory. Tasty bread bakery
Image Credit: Med Photo Studio/Shutterstock.


According to folklore, if a pregnant woman attempts to make bread, it won’t rise properly. This superstition emphasizes the importance of keeping expectant mothers away from strenuous tasks.

5. The Knife Gift

Set of knives on table in kitchen
Image Credit: Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock.


When giving someone a knife as a gift, it’s crucial never to hand it directly to them. Instead, place it on a surface in front of them. The belief is that if the recipient accepts the knife directly, it may lead to strife between them.

6. Dropping Your Dish Towel

Beautiful young hispanic wife with typical cute dress washing and drying dishes after home party with friends. Real woman busy helping with housework. Concept of Women's work never stops even at home
Image Credit: Robby Fontanesi/Shutterstock.


If you accidentally drop your dish towel, superstition suggests that you will soon have unexpected company, and they will arrive with empty stomachs, ready to share a meal.

7. Happy Tamale Makers

Housewife uncovering a pot of corn tamales to confirm if the cooking process has finished.
Image Credit: SALMONNEGRO-STOCK/Shutterstock.


To ensure that your tamales turn out delicious, it’s essential to keep your tamale makers happy and in good spirits. Frowning or negative energy in the kitchen is believed to affect the taste of the tamales.

8. Avoid Eating Bread End Pieces

Fresh bread on wooden ground
Image Credit: Christian Jung/Shutterstock.


Many cultures advise against eating the end pieces of bread. This superstition is a symbolic way of “making ends meet” and is thought to bring financial stability.

9. No Mixing Meat and Milk

Protein diet: raw products on the wooden background
Image Credit: Alexander Prokopenko/Shutterstock.


Observing the dietary restriction of not consuming meat and milk in the same meal is rooted in the Jewish tradition. This prohibition, mentioned in the Torah, is a reminder of compassion and respect for life.

10. The Penny Exchange for Knives

Set of kitchen knives in the holder
Image Credit: INSAGO/Shutterstock.


When given a knife as a gift, it is customary to exchange a penny with the giver. This symbolic gesture is believed to prevent negative energy from affecting the relationship.

11. The Knife Pointing Direction

Big kitchen knife lying on an old cutting board
Image Credit: Serge Ka/Shutterstock.


If you accidentally drop a knife, step on it before picking it up, ensuring that it points away from you. This act is said to ward off trouble coming from the direction the knife is pointing.

12. The Bread Hole Omen

Whole grain bread put on kitchen wood plate with a chef holding gold knife for cut. Fresh bread on table close-up. Fresh bread on the kitchen table The healthy eating and traditional bakery concept
Image Credit: Master1305/Shutterstock.


In some cultures, cutting open a loaf of bread and discovering a giant air bubble or hole is considered an omen of impending death. This superstition may lead to a moment of reflection upon finding such a hole.

13. Noodles Symbolize Life

Delighted man eating Asian food outdoors
Image Credit: AJR_photo/Shutterstock.


In many Asian cultures, noodles symbolize longevity and life. Cutting noodles is akin to cutting life short, so slurping them instead is customary, allowing them to remain whole.

14. Milk Before Sugar

Adding sugar to cup of black tea on wooden table
Image Credit: Africa Studio/Shutterstock.


In some tea-drinking cultures, it’s believed that adding milk to tea before sugar may bring bad luck in love. So, to ensure a successful marriage, always add sugar first.

15. Throwing Rice at Weddings

Happy wedding photography of bride and groom at wedding ceremony. Wedding tradition sprinkled with rice and grain
Image Credit: Wedding and lifestyle/Shutterstock.


A widely recognized tradition, throwing rice at a newlywed couple as they leave their wedding symbolizes fertility, prosperity, and good fortune for the newlyweds.

15 Things Dad Taught Us That We Still Use Today

Close up of a middle aged man wearing a baseball cap and eye glasses, smiling while looking at the camera.
Image Credit: Donna Beeler/Shutterstock.


Our dads have a unique way of imparting wisdom that sticks with us throughout our lives. From life lessons to practical advice, here are 15 things Dad taught us that we still use today.

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15 Things That We Hate the More We Age

tired old man looks at his interlocutor, adjusts his glasses. The old man can't see very well without his glasses.
Image Credit: Medvedeva Oxana/Shutterstock.


Aging is a natural part of life, and while it comes with its fair share of wisdom and experience, it also brings about a unique set of dislikes that intensify with each passing year. As we grow older, our tolerance for certain things diminishes, leading us to develop a stronger aversion to various aspects of life.

We’ve compiled a list of 15 things we tend to hate more as we age.

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Bucharest, Romania - August 10, 2020: People display Qanon messages on cardboards during a political rally.
Image Credit: Mircea Moira/Shutterstock.

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