15 Social Faux Pas That Everyone Does and Drives People Crazy


Social norms and etiquette often dictate our behavior, so it’s easy to find ourselves in situations where we feel compelled to act in ways that might not align with our true feelings.

However, there are many instances where what we perceive as rude is, in fact, completely acceptable. Here, we explore 15 such scenarios, shedding light on why people might consider them rude and why they are reasonable actions.

1. Declining an Invitation

Woman with a wedding invitation card
Image Credit: Rawpixel.com/Shutterstock.

Turning down an invitation to an event or gathering is okay. Some people might think you’re dismissive or uninterested. Still, everyone has their commitments and priorities, and declining an invitation is an honest way to manage your time and energy.

2. Saying No

Stop this. Angry senior man sitting on bench and rising finger.
Image Credit: Dmytro Zinkevych/Shutterstock.

It’s okay to refuse a request or favor. People might interpret it as being uncooperative or selfish. But it’s acceptable because setting boundaries and knowing your limits is essential for your well-being and helps maintain healthy relationships.

3. Not Allowing Strangers to Pet Your Dog

Happy dog and his owner. Young man embracing labrador retriever on back yard of house.
Image Credit: Jaromir Chalabala/Shutterstock.

Keeping your dog away from unfamiliar people who want to pet them is okay. Some may see it as being overprotective or unfriendly. However, ensuring your dog’s comfort and safety is your responsibility; not all dogs are comfortable with strangers.

4. Ending the Party

New years party is being celebrated
Image Credit: gpointstudio/Shutterstock.

Ending your party and asking guests to leave is perfectly acceptable. Some may feel it’s abrupt or inhospitable. But as the host, you have the right to decide when the event ends, and people should respect your wishes.

5. Not Talking With Passengers

People flying by plane. Interior of airplane with passengers killing time on their seats.
Image Credit: Matej Kastelic/Shutterstock.

It is okay not to engage in small talk with fellow passengers during a flight. Some might view it as unfriendly or standoffish. But people have different comfort levels with social interactions, and sometimes silence can be golden, especially on long flights.

6. Not Responding to a Text Message Immediately

Girl looking angry at the phone
Image Credit: Ollyy/Shutterstock.

It’s okay to take your time to reply to a text message. Instant communication is often expected, and delay may seem inconsiderate. But people have varying schedules and priorities; responding when it’s convenient for you is okay.

7. Asking Someone to Split the Check

Friends split the bill using the app on their smartphone after a delicious dinner in a cafe.
Image Credit: frantic00/Shutterstock.

Suggesting you split the bill evenly at a restaurant might get you some blank stares. Some may interpret it as penny-pinching or unwilling to pay their fair share. However, splitting the bill is a fair way to handle expenses, especially when dining with a group.

8. Not Considering Co-workers Your Friends

Young designer giving some new ideas about project to his partners in conference room. Business people discussing over new business project in office.
Image Credit: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock.

Maintaining professional boundaries with co-workers and not considering every one of them your friend is healthy. People might think you’re unfriendly or standoffish. However, it’s essential to differentiate between work relationships and personal friendships to maintain professionalism.

9. Establishing Boundaries

Annoyed married couple sitting on couch apart, after conflict, arguing, row.
Image Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

Communicating your limits and expectations in any relationship is best for your well-being. Some might perceive it as being inflexible or controlling. However, establishing boundaries helps build healthier, more respectful relationships.

10. Saying No to Hugs and Kisses

Happy senior mother and grownup daughter sit relax on couch in living room talk laugh and joke, smiling overjoyed middle-aged mom and adult girl child rest at home have fun enjoying weekend together.
Image Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

Allowing individuals, especially children, to decline physical contact is certainly okay. Some may see it as rejecting affection from relatives or disrespecting family norms. But consent and personal boundaries should be respected, especially when it comes to physical touch.

11. Not Engaging in Small Talk

neighbors chatting at the fence, Friendly relationship with neighbours. Young family talking to elderly couple near fence outdoors
Image Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock.

Choosing not to engage in superficial conversations is fine. Small talk is often seen as a social lubricant, and avoiding it may seem aloof. But meaningful discussions can be more fulfilling; not everyone enjoys or excels at small talk.

12. Sleeping In

Woman sleeping. High angle view of beautiful young woman lying in bed and keeping eyes closed while covered with blanket.
Image Credit: Olena Yakobchuk/Shutterstock.

Sometimes, we love to stay in bed later than usual. Some may perceive this as laziness or a disregard for commitments. But everyone needs rest, and taking care of one’s well-being should be a priority.

13. Ending a Conversation

Tired bothered businesswoman abstracting from work refuse accept or consider report, annoyed female ceo gesturing rejecting mad business client or subordinate not looking at papers or documents
Image Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

Politely disengaging from a conversation that’s going nowhere or becoming unpleasant is acceptable. It may come across as dismissive or inconsiderate. But your time and energy are valuable; ending an unproductive or unpleasant conversation is a reasonable choice.

14. Not Tipping When the Service Is Subpar

Man holding a tablet with tipping screen inside a restaurant.
Image Credit: Sadi-Santos/Shutterstock.

It’s okay not to tip when you’ve received poor service. Tipping is often seen as mandatory, regardless of service quality. However, tipping should be based on the service received. Don’t feel pressured to offer a tip for subpar service.

15. Sending Your Dish Back

Customer In Restaurant Complaining To Waitress About Food
Image Credit: SpeedKingz/Shutterstock.

Asking for a replacement or adjustment to your meal if it’s not as ordered or unsatisfactory is perfectly fine. Some may view it as being picky or demanding. But you’re paying for a meal, and it’s reasonable to expect it to meet your expectations within reason.

15 Behaviors That Are a Dead Giveaways Someone Grew up Poor

Close-up female serious face headshot portrait outdoors caucasian middle aged business woman boss blonde short haired lady wears formal shirt unhappy calm looking at camera standing posing on.
Image Credit: MAYA LAB/Shutterstock.


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Many people have habits that they picked up during those years that they haven’t let go of yet.

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serious old man at park.
Image Credit: Krakenimages.com/DepositPhotos.com.


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15 Things That Feel Illegal but Are Actually Perfectly Legal

African American judge pounding mallet in courtroom.
Image Credit: sirtravelalot/Shutterstock.


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