14 Animals That Appear Deadly but Really Are Harmless

Photo of author
Robert Sihler

There are harmless-looking deadly animals, and there are also animals that look menacing but in reality, won’t hurt you and would prefer to have nothing to do with you. Those in the latter category sometimes get a bad rap, but sometimes their appearances do them favors by encouraging people and other animals to leave them alone.

Following are 15 animals that might look frightening but aren’t anything to worry too much about.

Scarlet King Snakes

Scarlet Kingsnake (Lampropeltis elapsoides)
Image Credit: Jay Ondreicka/Shutterstock.


Scarlet king snakes, which aren’t venomous, closely resemble coral snakes, which are highly venomous. On a coral snake, red and yellow bands border each other. Om scarlet king snakes, they don’t, hence the expression “red next to yellow will kill a fellow.”

Sand Tiger Sharks

Tiger Shark Up Close Full Body Shot. Stripes showing in clear blue water with white sandy bottom. Photo taken in The Bahamas.
Image Credit: Jsegalexplore/Shutterstock.


Most sharks have very sharp teeth, but those on a sand tiger shark are especially long and pointed, and they protrude from its mouth, making it one of the most fearsome-looking animals on the planet. While it’s not accurate to say they’re harmless since they’re capable of causing great harm, the reality is that there are no confirmed cases of human fatalities by sand tiger sharks.

California Condors

A California Condor down in the Grand Canyon in Arizona showing his naked head and neck.
Image Credit: Georgi Baird/Shutterstock.


California condors are the largest birds in North America, and although they were once on the brink of extinction, they’re now back in small numbers in parts of the American Southwest. Their size and frightening appearance might make you think they could attack you, but they eat carrion, animals that are already dead.


Aye-aye, nocturnal lemur of Madagascar
Image Credit: javarman/Shutterstock.


These Madagascar primates weigh only about 4 pounds, but many locals fear them out of a belief that their wild appearance is a sign of impending death. It doesn’t help that aye-ayes don’t fear humans and often approach them. Sadly, it’s the aye-ayes that should fear us since people often kill them due to their superstitious beliefs.

Basking Sharks

basking shark, cetorhinus maximus, Coll island, Scotland
Image Credit: Martin Prochazkacz/Shutterstock.


The basking shark is second in length among both fishes and sharks, growing to nearly 30 feet long. They often swim with their mouths gaping wide open, which could make a diver afraid they’re about to be swallowed whole. That won’t happen, though; basking sharks eat tiny plankton.


Greenbottle Blue Tarantula on mossy log/Tarantula/Greenbottle Blue Tarantula (chromatopelma cyaneopubescens)
Image Credit: davemhuntphotography/Shutterstock.


Tarantulas are large spiders, and the Goliath Birdeater of South America is the largest in the world. Like other spiders, tarantulas have venom, but they rarely bite people, and their venom isn’t that harmful. Some people keep tarantulas as pets and let their fuzzy companions crawl on them!


Gharial, Gavialis gangeticus, stands out with a very long jaw
Image Credit: Vladislav T. Jirousek/Shutterstock.


Resembling crocodiles but having thin snouts with sharp teeth protruding from them, these large Indian reptiles look very dangerous. The truth, though, is that their jaws are too weak to consume large prey; their jaws adapted the way they are to enable them to catch and eat frogs, insects, and small fish.

Whip Scorpions

Whip-tailed scorpion on the yellow leaves.
Image Credit: Eastern dragon 2811/Shutterstock.


These arachnids that look like a cross between a spider and a scorpion easily rank among the most terrifying-looking animals in the world. Relax, though; they do not have venom glands.

Manta Rays

Manta ray filter feeding above a coral reef in the blue Komodo waters
Image Credit: Kjersti Joergensen/Shutterstock.


The largest rays in the world and among the largest animals in the sea, manta rays can have a “wingspan” of nearly 30 feet. Like basking sharks, they feed on plankton. They also don’t have stinging barbs on their tails, and they’re not aggressive towards humans.

Hercules Beetles

Hercules beetle (Dynastes hercules) in Ecuador
Image Credit: feathercollector/Shutterstock.


These well-named beetles can be more than 7 inches long, and they can lift more than 80 times their body weight. They also have large, wicked-looking horns that they use in vicious fights with one another. Still, though, they pose little risk to humans, though it’s probably a good idea not to pick one up.

Vampire Bats

Common vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) with black background
Image Credit: belizar/Shutterstock.


Feeding mostly on blood, having scary-looking faces, denning in dark places like caves and hollow trees, and only coming out at night are sensible reasons for people to fear vampire bats. The good news, though, is that they prefer cattle, goats, and birds for sustenance, not people.

Milk Snakes

Louisiana Milk-snake found after a fall cold-front blew through southeast Texas.
Image Credit: TheTexasNaturalist/Shutterstock.


Milk snakes can resemble coral snakes almost as closely as scarlet king snakes do. Sometimes that protects them from predators, and sometimes it makes them targets for fearful people. Just remember the “red next to yellow” rule discussed earlier.

Whale Sharks

Whale Sharks
Image Credit: Chainarong Phrammanee/Shutterstock.


Reaching more than 40 feet in length, whale sharks are at once the largest fish in the world and the largest shark. Like many whales, they eat plankton, and they’re not a threat to people. They sometimes play with divers.

North American Water Snakes

North American brown water snake
Image Credit: Judith Lee/Shutterstock.


These common non-venomous snakes have colors and markings that often cause people to think they’re copperheads or water moccasins. If the colors or patterns confuse you, look at the head; those two venomous species have triangular-shaped heads, but the water snake doesn’t.

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Image Credit: olrat/Shutterstock.


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Author: Robert Sihler


Robert Sihler is an educator, freelance writer, and rock climbing guide and instructor living with his family in Driftwood, Texas. In his spare time, he enjoys reading fiction, streaming films, completing crossword puzzles, and rock climbing. When he goes on vacation, he likes to visit the mountains of the West and climb remote, obscure peaks that have seen few or no prior ascents.

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