6 Things To Do With Your Money in 2024


From scheduling vacations and doctor’s appointments to household maintenance, there are lots of things we need to deal with all the time. Taking care of our finances shouldn’t fall to the back burner just because we are busy with everything else.

Here are some things you should occasionally do with your money to make sure you are on the right track,

Adjust Your Budget

Calculator with the word BUDGET on the display. Pen, eyeglasses and notepad on the diagrams. Concept photo.
Image Credit: Inna Kot/Shutterstock.

Take a thorough look at your budget for the year to see what you’ve done well and what areas you could improve. Use your existing budget to build upon the coming year’s budget.  If you’ve had any significant changes to your income or expenses, these should be reflected in your new budget for the coming year.

Perhaps you’ve paid off a major bill or seen a significant increase in your income. These could have a major effect on how you spend or save your money, so don’t forget to account for these changes as you adjust your budget. If you don’t have a budget in place, now is a great time to start one so you can begin the year fresh with a plan

Maximize Retirement Contributions

Happy mature couple using laptop at home.
Image Credit: Goksi/Shutterstock.

If you have enough income to spare and are looking for a good use of your money, you may want to consider maximizing your retirement contributions. You can check with the IRS to see what the yearly limit is. Saving is never a bad financial decision and can offer you a more comfortable retirement when the time comes

Plan to Save

Setting good example. Young parent mother teach child little daughter girl to manage finances save money spend earnings with economy plan family budget.
Image Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

A good rule of thumb is to have anywhere between three to six months of your yearly salary in savings to help you out if something happens, such as job loss, unexpected medical expenses, or a major home repair. Check your savings to see if you have enough put away, and if you don’t, you may want to consider adjusting your savings contribution accordingly.

Charitable Giving

money on hand philanthropy concept give donate charity finance and grant.
Image Credit: ITTIGallery/Shutterstock.

The end of the year is a great time for charitable giving, as it can help you offset your taxable income. However, be careful where and how you give to charity, as some may not offer the same tax benefits. Before you give, check with the IRS or your tax advisor to see what income limitations or tax implications there may be.

Adjust Your Insurance

African American man and his insurance agent analyzing documents during a meeting in the office.
Image Credit: Drazen Zigic/Shutterstock.

The end of the year is also a good time to check in with your local insurance agency to see if you’re getting the best insurance for your money. If you aren’t already, you may want to consider taking advantage of certain insurance savings such as bundling or military discounts to save you additional money.

If you’ve had a major life event such as death, disability, or addition to your family, you’ll want to relay that information to your insurance provider as well so they can make adjustments to your policy.

Use Your Flex Account

FSA Flexible Spending Account. Finance And Tax Savings.
Image Credit: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock.

If you have a flexible spending account (FSA) through your employer, make sure you take advantage of the money in the account before the end of the year or you may risk losing the balance. Some employers may offer a grace period or allow you to roll over a portion of your money into the new year, so check with them so you understand how to best maximize your money.

10 Hard Financial Truths About Aging You Can’t Afford to Ignore

An elderly woman looks sadly out the window.
Image Credit: De Visu/Shutterstock.


Getting older is a difficult thing to face. Unfortunately, it also comes with certain financial considerations that will affect your retirement planning. Here are 10 hard financial truths about aging that you can’t afford to ignore.

10 Hard Financial Truths About Aging You Can’t Afford to Ignore

30 Super Simple Ways To Save Money at Home in 2024

Woman looking at a bottle of orange juice in a supermarket.
Image Credit: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock.


Looking for some ways to save money at home? Now is the time to cut expenses, save some money, and keep your money in your wallet. Here are some simple ways to save money at home this year. Whether it’s as simple as switching what you buy when you go to the store or being a little more creative in the ways you use items in your home, maybe some of these ways will work for you!

Here are 30 ways to save money at home and put more in your pocket.

30 Super Simple Ways To Save Money at Home in 2024

20 Poor Hacks Frugal People Use on a Fairly Regular Basis

portrait of an elderly woman with beautiful look of Dominican Latin origin looking at the camera.
Image Credit: Julaix/Shutterstock.


Even if you’re not poor, you sometimes feel that way, and you probably have some tricks and tips for coping with that. In this article, we’ve compiled several poor hacks that people utilize at least a few times a month or even a week. It’s always good to share these hacks; we hope some of them help!

20 Poor Hacks Frugal People Use on a Fairly Regular Basis