20 Best Pieces of Unsolicited Advice From Mom That Are Worth Listening To


When you were growing up, Mom probably gave you a lot of advice, much of it unsolicited.

And some of it seemed more to keep you in check than it was about teaching wisdom. But let’s be honest: more than a little of it turned out to be spot on. That’s because moms actually know things. They give the best advice, and we would do well to listen to it, even if it isn’t always wanted at that moment. After all, it is coming from love and it will probably be very good for us.

Here are some of the best advice that people got from their moms that they admit are actually worth listening to:

People Don’t Change; How You See the World Does.

Hands of a young female director cameraman making a frame gesture at sunset.
Image Credit: Zoteva/Shutterstock.

As we get older, our perspectives change. People mostly are who they are, and we come to view them in different ways as our understanding and experience grow.


This Will Pass.

Shot of pretty young woman supporting and comforting her sad friend while sitting on the sofa at home.
Image Credit: Josep Suria/Shutterstock.

When things go wrong, it’s easy to sink into despair and think it’s the end of the world. It’s good to remember that you’ll get through this and that better days are ahead.


This Is Only the Worst Day of Your Life So Far.

Teenage boy suffering from memories about the worst day of his life.
Image Credit: Dragon Images/Shutterstock.

When your first dog died, your first boyfriend or girlfriend broke up with you, or someone stole your new bike, it really might have been your worst day ever. But that was only up until that point. Knowing that there will be worse days ahead, and knowing that you’ll get past them, helps you be ready for them.


Before You Judge Someone, Ask Yourself if You Have the Same Fault.

Closeup portrait of two office workers gossiping about newcomer: young woman leaning in to whisper in colleagues ear as they both looking judgingly at someone.
Image Credit: Pressmaster/Shutterstock.

Projection is the tendency to accuse others of the bad traits and actions we exhibit. Before you point a finger at someone, consider whether you’re really trying to mask the same fault on your part.


Give Hugs and Handshakes Like You Mean It.

Business people shaking hands.
Image Credit: Gutesa/Shutterstock.

In some settings, handshakes and hugs are going away. Where they continue, though, you should only give meaningful ones. People can sense it when you’re being half-hearted or insincere. Weak handshakes especially connote a lack of confidence or respect, but at the same time, don’t crush someone’s hand!


Follow What Your Gut Tells You About People.

Retro effect and toned image of a woman hand writing a note with a fountain pen on a notebook. Handwritten text TRUST YOUR GUT, business success concept.
Image Credit: Constantin Stanciu/Shutterstock.

Your first impression of someone is sometimes wrong, but most of the time, it’s pretty accurate. If you get an uneasy or suspicious feeling about someone, listen to that inner voice.


When People Tell You Who They Are, Believe Them.

portrait of a young man, a guy out of focus. Multiple personality disorder, bipolar disorder, neurosis, panic attack.
Image Credit: polya_olya/Shutterstock.

When people behave odiously, they often say you caught them on a bad day, that’s not really them, they were kidding, etc. Actually, that unfiltered version you saw probably is the real person.


You’ll Never Regret Spending Money on Travel.

Travel, airport and excited woman with passport. travel ticket and documents for immigration, journey and flight schedule.
Image Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock.

Travel is not only fun and rejuvenating. It also broadens our knowledge of the world and expands our worldviews.


Don’t Touch That; It’s Too Hot! (Or Cold, Dangerous, Etc.)

Hand burned on a stove.
Image Credit: photokup/Shutterstock.

But you did it anyway. In doing so, you learned two valuable lessons: your mom was right and you’d better be more careful the next time.


Always Have an Exit Strategy and Enough Money to Get Out.

Emergency fund in the glass jar with cash.
Image Credit: Vitalii Vodolazskyi/Shutterstock.

Moms more commonly share this advice with their daughters as a way of escaping a date that goes bad. However, it’s really good advice for anyone, and not just in dating.


Being Late Insults Others and Tells Them You’re Selfish.

Never don't be late on business meeting. Worried businessman looking at his watch on the way to office.
Image Credit: Bobex-73/Shutterstock.

Everyone’s late from time to time, but there are some people who are chronically late. What they never seem to get is that it’s an insult to other people, wastes their time, and creates an impression of selfishness or lack of organization.


Sometimes You Won’t Like Your Spouse Very Much, but if You Always Love Them, It’ll Last.

Annoyed married couple sitting on couch apart, after conflict, arguing, row.
Image Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

Children often see their parents argue, and it upsets them. It’s helpful to know that although they sometimes disagree and occasionally don’t like each other that much, there’s still love underneath.


Don’t React to Situations; Respond to Them.

asian woman with brunette ponytail draws a heart shape use lipstick on the mirror and look at herself feeling confident self love.
Image Credit: aslysun/Shutterstock.

There’s a key difference here. Reacting to a situation means you let your emotions take over. Responding means your reason’s in charge.


If He Hits You, Leave Him.

A man with a clenched fist is abusing the family. Home violence. The husband oppresses his loved ones. Physical violence.
Image Credit: Kamil Zajaczkowski/Shutterstock.

Sometimes a man hits a woman, is deeply shocked and sorry, and never does it again, but that’s a rare exception. Most men who hit will hit again, and the longer they do it, the worse it gets.


Most People Want to Be Liked, so Look for the Best in Them.

woman smiling.
Image Credit: PH888/Shutterstock.

Some people can come across as awkward or annoying. Remember that most people want to fit in and be liked. Find what’s good about them and focus on that.


Not Everyone Who Smiles at You Is Your Friend.

pretty caucasian woman smiling confidently pointing to own fake smile.
Image Credit: Kues/Shutterstock.

Smiles are typically seen as signs of friendliness, but they can be deceiving. There are times when the smilers are manipulators or predators who don’t have good intentions.


Never Let Anyone Know Everything You Know.

cute woman with long black hair holding her finger on her mouth as she was keeping a secret.
Image Credit: Max kegfire/Shutterstock.

If you share everything you know, then you have nothing left to share. People can take your knowledge and then move on to someone or something else.


Take Care of Yourself First.

Young Asian beautiful plus size woman dringing water from bottle after did exercise at park with smile of happyness, take care yourself, healthy and wellness concept.
Image Credit: Wanwajee Weeraphukdee/Shutterstock.

Your responsibilities to others are important, but first and foremost, you have to be responsible for yourself. This isn’t the same as being selfish; it just means to take care of your needs first.


Think With Your Head, Not Your Heart.

Close up portrait of young smart successful female smiling, woman funny emotions.
Image Credit: Max4e Photo/Shutterstock.

This is similar to the advice to respond rather than react. Make decisions based on thinking them through, not acting on impulses.


Live East of Where You Work.

Charleston, South Carolina, USA in the French Quarter at twilight.
Image Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock.

It’s all about the commute. In both the morning and the afternoon, the sun will be behind you, not in your eyes.


15 Things Dad Taught Us That We Still Use Today

Close up of a middle aged man wearing a baseball cap and eye glasses, smiling while looking at the camera.
Image Credit: Donna Beeler/Shutterstock.


Our dads have a unique way of imparting wisdom that sticks with us throughout our lives. From life lessons to practical advice, here are 15 things Dad taught us that we still use today.

15 Things Dad Taught Us That We Still Use Today

15 Things That We Hate the More We Age

tired old man looks at his interlocutor, adjusts his glasses. The old man can't see very well without his glasses.
Image Credit: Medvedeva Oxana/Shutterstock.


Aging is a natural part of life, and while it comes with its fair share of wisdom and experience, it also brings about a unique set of dislikes that intensify with each passing year. As we grow older, our tolerance for certain things diminishes, leading us to develop a stronger aversion to various aspects of life.

We’ve compiled a list of 15 things we tend to hate more as we age.

15 Things That We Hate the More We Age

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Bucharest, Romania - August 10, 2020: People display Qanon messages on cardboards during a political rally.
Image Credit: Mircea Moira/Shutterstock.

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