5 Common Mistakes That Are Keeping People Poor


Managing your finances properly is very important to ensure your financial security in the future, but there are several common mistakes that can undo all of your hard work at managing your finances quicker than you can imagine.

Making one of these common mistakes can consume a large part of your income, ruin your credit score, and cause you to be denied financial products like mortgages and loans in the future.

Fortunately, it is easy to avoid these common mistakes once you have learned what they are. Here are some frequently made mistakes that can make you poor.

Living Without Health Insurance

Health insurance web site modish registration system for easy form filling.
Image Credit: Summit Art Creations/Shutterstock.

Medical bills are one of the biggest reasons for declaring personal bankruptcy. If you do not have health insurance and you have an illness or injury serious enough to send you to the hospital, you could be on the hook for thousands of dollars in medical bills. Even if you are young and healthy, you could still become the victim of a car accident or injure yourself playing a sport.

A single incident without health insurance can wipe out your savings and still leave you with a huge debt load. With health insurance becoming more affordable for many people due to new regulations, paying for health insurance coverage is increasingly seen as the better choice.

Having No Savings

Interest rate and dividend concept, Businessman is calculating income and return on investment in percentage. income, return, retirement, compensation fund, investment, dividend tax, stock market.
Image Credit: Sutthiphong Chandaeng/Shutterstock.

People who live paycheck to paycheck and have no savings available are headed toward a financial disaster. It only takes one significant expense that is outside of the norm to cause an avalanche of debt accumulation, often at very high-interest rates.

Regardless of the amount of money you make each month, you can put a little bit away for a rainy day. An emergency fund of $1,000 can be enough to handle many common issues, so aim to save at least that much in a savings account that is easy for you to access at need.

Funding Your Lifestyle With Credit Cards

Hand holding credit card and using laptop. Businesswoman or entrepreneur working from home. Online shopping, e-commerce, internet banking, spending money, work from home concept
Image Credit: Kite_rin/Shutterstock.

Many people make the mistake of treating their credit cards as additional money and using them to fund their everyday lifestyle. These people generally carry a balance and rarely see their balance go down by any significant amount.

Using your credit cards to pay bills and not having any savings available to fall back on can result in huge debt problems down the road. A much better option would be only to charge what you are able to pay off each month or to save your credit card swipes for emergency cases and pay off the balance as quickly as possible.

Not Having a Budget

Calculator with the word BUDGET on the display. Pen, eyeglasses and notepad on the diagrams. Concept photo.
Image Credit: Inna Kot/Shutterstock.

Spending indiscriminately without having a property budget is the quickest way to run through your cash, keep you from saving money, and keep you from falling into poverty each time something comes up. Creating a budget is the best way to make sure your money goes where it needs to go and won’t let your money fly away from you.

Not Living Within Your Means

Portrait of beautiful young woman shopping new shoes in store.
Image Credit: NDAB Creativity/Shutterstock.


Spending more than you have and not living within your means is a common mistake that makes people poor. Make sure your expenses don’t get larger than your income by either cutting down expenses or increasing your income.

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An elderly woman looks sadly out the window.
Image Credit: De Visu/Shutterstock.


Getting older is a difficult thing to face. Unfortunately, it also comes with certain financial considerations that will affect your retirement planning. Here are 10 hard financial truths about aging that you can’t afford to ignore.

10 Hard Financial Truths About Aging You Can’t Afford to Ignore

30 Super Simple Ways To Save Money at Home in 2024

Woman looking at a bottle of orange juice in a supermarket.
Image Credit: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock.


Looking for some ways to save money at home? Now is the time to cut expenses, save some money, and keep your money in your wallet. Here are some simple ways to save money at home this year. Whether it’s as simple as switching what you buy when you go to the store or being a little more creative in the ways you use items in your home, maybe some of these ways will work for you!

Here are 30 ways to save money at home and put more in your pocket.

30 Super Simple Ways To Save Money at Home in 2024

20 Poor Hacks Frugal People Use on a Fairly Regular Basis

portrait of an elderly woman with beautiful look of Dominican Latin origin looking at the camera.
Image Credit: Julaix/Shutterstock.


Even if you’re not poor, you sometimes feel that way, and you probably have some tricks and tips for coping with that. In this article, we’ve compiled several poor hacks that people utilize at least a few times a month or even a week. It’s always good to share these hacks; we hope some of them help!

20 Poor Hacks Frugal People Use on a Fairly Regular Basis

28 Practical Ways Frugal People Save Lots of Money

Young pretty woman traveller in baseball cap looks and smiles at camera at green nature forest background, portrait close up.
Image Credit: DedMityay/Shutterstock.


Saving money doesn’t have to mean saying goodbye to life’s little indulgences. With a few smart tweaks, you can stash away cash for that dream vacation, rainy day fund, or splurge-worthy purchase without feeling like you’re on a constant budget patrol.

Think of it as a side hustle that pays off without the extra hours. Whether you’re looking to conquer debt or simply boost your bank account, these tips are guaranteed to put more money in your pocket, painlessly.

28 Practical Ways Frugal People Save Lots of Money

I’m Frugal: Here Are My Top 30 Frugal Living Tips to Save Money

Funny child hugs the radiator. Kid in hat and warm clothes enjoying home heater. Heating of housing during the energy crisis in the winter cold season. Restrictions and savings of gas and electricity.
Image credit: Sharomka/Shutterstock.


I’m super frugal, and one of my passions is sharing my frugal living tips with everyone.

Here are some of my absolute favorite frugal tips to help you get started on your journey to frugal living.

I’m Frugal: Here Are My Top 30 Frugal Living Tips to Save Money